
Data Day edition 2: All Eyes on Data Centers & Carriers

On June 15, 2022 we invite data centers and carriers to Beeld en Geluid in Hilversum. During this day various topics on innovations and challenges in data centers and carriers will be discussed.

Reading time: min.


12.30: Reception with lunch
13.30: Opening by chairman of the day Joost Leenders
13.45: Review 2021 & impact 2022, S. Grove (Dutch Datacenter Association)
14.15: Exponential growth of data and bandwidth, T. Friend (AMS-IX)
14.45: Break
15.15: Sustainability in data centers, E. van Essen (Switch Datacenters)
15.45: The development of the new media generation, J. Wester (Tour de Tietema)
16.15: Closing
16.30: Networking drinks

Interested in attending this inspiring event? Find more information here.

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085 - 9026 600

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